Tagged oleh budakkecikgilersukemenyusahkanakulah.State 15 weird/mean/ undescribable things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.*The 5 people I tag are to then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.**1. Not really a fan of cheese. Despite the craziness of almost everyone I know towards cheese, I beg to differ. Tapi cheese light2 dalam pizza ke ape tu boleh la tolerate lagi..To generalize bleh la kata i'm not a fan of dairy product. I don't like yoghurt. Not a fan of milk (in term of, drinking a cup of unflavoured milk. just like that.yikes.)
2. I am not really vocal on speaking out my opinions/feelings etc. Sebab tu kalau merajuk, I prefer to give silence treatment. Tapi kalau marah...hurm...I chose to ramble it to my close friends. Tapi agak2 seksa la kalau tak puas hati with something coz I tend to swallow everything and explode it within myself.
3. Am a universal music lover. I listen to what I wanna listen. No spesific genre. In my playlist u can see dangdut songs walking side by side with rock/metal songs. Altho in real life kalau Mas Idayu jumpa The Strokes pasti mereka tak akan bertegur sapa.
4. I used to memorize phone number so well. Especially those who are close to me, telephone-nically. Ngehngeh..But now the ability is decreasing since I've too many things to do beside remembering phone numbers..
5. I don't really have a picture of me, alone. Just found out this fact when I was browsing my pictures to be sent to the comittee Low self esteem disitu...
6. I hate being forced. Sometimes, the more u force me, the harder I run. I believe if I wanna do something it must come within me. But not to say forcing ppl to pursue good things are bad. They are good, really. But leave the rest for me to decide whether I wanna do it or not.
7. I like sports. Hurmm..walaupun dulu abang saya tulis dalam buku skrap Sejarah dia something like this
"walaupun adik saya tidak suka bersukan, tetapi dia bagus dlm akademik" Hahaha...ouch abang ouchh..DULU. Itu DULU. I guest the genetic predisposition is just too strong to resist the fact that all of us (you, bapak, urmm mak?) love sports.
Which reminds me I haven't been to gym not even once since skool started. Haih...not good not good..
8. As an extension to fact #2, when someone hurts me (mind u,hurts is so general), I need to take a break from him/her. Tengok muka tableh. Cakap face to face ke dlm fon pun tableh. Ngehngehngeh..
9. Am a total sucker with roads and directions. Hanya jalan di Shah Alam di hatiku~ hahaha..
10. I am very hard to smile. Penat lah senyum ni banyak muscle kena strech...can be mistakenly understood as fierce/snob too. :( Dan saya rasa saya akan cepat berkedut kerana selalu frown. Hurmm..
11. I can be a good listener, I think. In this case i need my friends to testify lah..But I think I am..hurmm..
12. I hate hypocrites and hypocrisy. Juga unloyal lovers and two-timers. Nuff said.
13. Deep within me, I always think I am not good in anything. It's very hard for me to get the idea that I'm good at something. That's why I always need other people clarification. Eh ape ni bencinya statement gayak gini..
14. I love beaches, seas, oceans.
15. I hate guys with long hair. Such a turn-off. Kalau Fahrin Ahmad berambut panjang pun MUNGKIN saya tak suka jugak. And anyone (girls/guys) with rambut yang tutup dahi tu. Rimas. Rasa nak potongkan je..
I am tagging :
of the 63s.