I feel so left out. I didn't know Greys Anatomy Season 5 has been out since last September. Up until now,9 episodes has been aired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nasib la sekarang ade christmas break so usually they won't be airing any new episode for at least the next 4 weeks, if i'm not mistaken (I wonder what do they show on tv during this one month. Gossip Girl tadak, Greys Anatomy tadak..Zack, Zairin care to share?) So tak la jauh sangat nak catch up. Coz I'll give up the show if I have too many to catch up. Macam cerita House MD. Haihh...nantilah satu hari nanti akan ku kembali padamu, House!
Watde la weyyy...Nabila, mengapa kau tak khabarkan padaku??? You don't love me anymore, don't you??? (haha tetibe ayat emo)
Out of craziness, I bought the Rapid Share premium account for 3 days. Yes I know I can be THAT crazy and THAT impulsive.
Ayuh lancarkan episode mengdownload Greys Anatomy secara besar-besaran.
I sounded like someone who doesn't have exam, don't I? Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... :((
oh nad...290kb ko kata laju..shian ko..kalo stakat 290 tuh aku tayah beli beli premium account pun xpa..kami dirumah 63 nih kalo donlod guna premium kelajuannyer minimum 1MB aa slalu 1.5MB-2.5MB..amacam..tuh baru laju kan..hahaha..jelesss x?mesti jelesss kan..aper pun syabass kerna berjaya menceburkan diri dlm bidang download..hahah..tp u r still a newbie..
shadap u shidot...shadapppppppppppp
eh tapi dia laju lagi kalau aku download satu2...cecah 500kb gak..kire separuh lah dari ko punyeeeeeeeeeee
diamm diammm diammmmm
Hai First time comment. khabar apa? tak paham den.
hai time kasih kerana comment. kau tak btau pun greys season 5 dah kuarrrrrrrrrrr..
lampinye cik nabun~~
wahh...kmain lg shidot riak di citu...
psssst nad, asalnye shidot download lebyh kurng cm ko jek, lepas ak aja 1 trick br die reti nk bwat download speed jd 1Mb to 2Mb...hahahaha
anyway, happy mendownloading! =)
p/s: kalo ko malas mendownload, u can also watch it online (with high quality) at www.ninjavideo.net~
waqi : kan! lampi gils minah ni
fendi : thanks fendi! i know mesti korang guna download accelerator tu kann..takpelah. saya bukan hardcore downloader. so i dun mind settling at the least. lepas ni kalau nak dload bleh la mintak kat korang download kannn *wink wink*
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