
October 30, 2009

Monay monay monay monay

My once-in-3 months allowance is finally IN. Syukkuurrrr Alhamdulillah. Tak payah meniaga Hai-O.

Each time I got the money I'll straight away pay off my house rent for the next 3 months and settle all the debts - usually credit card ah takde ah hutang along ke ape. And then I'll put some in my savings account as what I call emergency monay BUT each and everytime, mesti kena keluarkan punya ah duit tu penghujung bulan ketiga. Saving account apetah namanye tu T__T

Every-allowance-time, there is always something need to be done with the monay. Yang kali ni, beli tiket winter holiday. Yang next time beli tiket balik summer. Yang summer buat belanja kat Malaysia. Camne laa nak kumpul duit beli kete nih...kahkahkah..ada hati!

Sebenarnya main point disini nak cerita duit dah masuk dan telah meraikan kejayaan duit masuk dengan satu set doner kebab dari town. Itu serius macam takdir sebab on the way back home kuar-kuar hospital sekali ada bas no 8, check purse, cukup 1.60eu ada terus naik bas tanpa sedar. Tengok2 dah kat town. Pergi Spice Cork beli chicken wings ngan chicken legs terus gi beli kebab terus tunggu bas terus balik. Sebab sekarang Zohor ngan Asar dah awal and dekat2 takleh la lagha2 kat town lama2. Malas nak amik semayang kat sinki tandas and cari fitting room nak smayang.

Ok mulai sekarang sehingga 26hb Disember dilarang melakukan sebarang beli-belahan secara impulsive mahupun terancang. Kecualiiiiiii satu pasang boots dan jacket bubble yang sesuai sahaja sebab terlupa winter kat Austria ngan Czech mesti sejuk gile wehhhhh.

October 29, 2009

Warkah buat kekasih

Kehadapan sugar dediku sayang,

3 purnama dah berlalu. Kini tiba masa awak bagi saya apa yang saya perlukan. Sewa rumah perlu dibayar by 4hb. Mengerling ke arah baki akaun, duit nak makan sampai minggu depan pun belum tentu dapat disediakan.

Sugar dediku,

Cuti winter bakal menjelma. Untuk mendapatkan rehat yg secukupnya dari pelajaran dan drama kehidupan yang meletihkan, saya perlu berjalan. Sayangnya saya baru terlepas offer tiket murah 5eu yang Ryanair tawarkan sebentar tadi. Dan kini saya buntu mahu kemana. Ke selatan kah. Ke utara kah. Kalau ada org sudi membeli body I dah lama I jual buat tambang balik Malaysia.

Yang terchenta,

Saya tanak mintak duit ibu. Ibu dah tak bekerja. Kerja baru pun gaji tak seperti dulu. Ibu pun ada expenses diri yang perlu ditanggung. Lagipun saya plan nak pau ibu duit tiket balik summer nanti. Hantarkanlah wang sara hidup cepat-cepat. Saya dah bankrap sangat dah ni :(

Yang meratap sayu,

Of Blogs & Bloggers

Ahhh too many things nak dibitchkan. Macam-macam dah ni berebut-rebut nak keluar dari otak.

Why on earth everyone in this whole wide world starts blogging anyway? For fame? For money?

I started blogging on friendster way back in 2005. After SPM. Masa zaman muda berdarah remaja awwwhh post-post semua berbaur jiwa kacau. Decided not to publicize my serabut mindedness in friendster, I moved on to blogspot on January 2004 with my very first entry.

Back then blogging world was so peaceful. Nuffnang wasn't even established yet back then. And people were blogging for their own sake. Of their own life. No matter how fucked up their life, blogs back then were so much interesting because they blog purely from their heart.

Tapi kini when blog started to be associated with fame and money, blog world has started to rotten. I have to admit, I myself am kinda tempted to make money from blogging when people started to brag how much they made through their blogs.

betullah kata GC, Lifestyle of the rich and famous, they always complaining..always complaaaaaining *picture and caption totally not related*

Tapi bile sedar my initial intention of blogging, I came back berpijak dibumi nyata. I blog because I wanna remember what I've been doing in my life. I blog because I am so disappointed with myself for not remembering hardly any memories about my life with dad back then. And realising that I don't even have that many readers pun too begin with saya pasrah dengan duit Nuffnang yang saja diletak sebagai penghias blog yang baru sahaja mencecah Rm57.84 setelah diletak selama 3 tahun. Kekeke..

Anyway I'm happy with the readers that I have now. They are either good friends or families or passer-bys who are definitely non-ass-kissers because my ass is not even worth to be kissed pun :P Kalau nak dapatkan rawatan pergigian percuma pun kena tunggu lagi 3 tahun. Okay promosi semua sapa baca blog ini doakan saya berjaya jadi dentist boleh dapatkan rawatan percuma kelak dengan memberi offer code : pembacablogyangtelahmendoakankejayaan

I know at times I tend to rave about things that normally would just add salt to the wound rather than putting antiseptics..forgive me for that as my blog is the only way I could express my anger because I have problems in voicing out my thoughts. Hobi saya adalah memendam rasa dan membawa diri secara solo dan diam2 berharap orang akan sedar. Itu hobi saya. Saya tak pinta orang faham, tapi saya just nak cakap itu hobi saya yang susah nak dibuang.

Eh ni apa melalut neh.

So anyway...tak dapat nak beli barang mahal thru blogging, I'm just gonna work my ass off to chase my dreams. Blog pun bleh jugak bantu saya jadi berjaya. Because :

when I'm stress -> I blog -> I destress -> I can start gather up myself again to chase my dreams -> and hopefully one day I can be successful, insyaAllah -> No need to dress ridiculously to get an overrated yet ugly handbag.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for spending your time reading my rants eventhough most of them aren't beneficial at all. And I'd like to thank the few bloggers who are still producing pure and sincere posts (motif thank you kat sini?) for entertaining my days. Blog yang sebegini saya daftar jadi followers. Blog-blog serabut pun baca jugak tapi lepastu bengang sendiri dan kutuk dalam hati..haha.. tapi bila ada orang brave enough to voice out their opinions on this shitty blogs, saya bertepuk2 kegembiraan dari jauh. Komen pun kadang-kadang je saya bagi bile tengah ada mood >.<

Ah...tapi malu lah baca blog entry saya yang lama-lama. Especially di era permulaan blogging at my friendster's blog . Walauweeeeyyhhhhh sumpah kalau saya pembaca blog saya di zaman itu saya forwardkan blog sendiri kat (the late) Piah Zadora. HAHAHAHHA..

October 28, 2009

CorkoroCocoCrunch in DG'09

Orait. Pitchas are ready so here comes the update. Pitchas credit to Siti and Dayah by the way

Saturday, October 24th, UCD

discussing strategies..kekeke

Kami datang dari jauhhhh...kami datang cari muuuu..suh suh suh..haha tipu jer.

There were only 5 teams competing in ladies category this year. 4 from Dublin and 1 from Cork. From 4, 2 from DBS (Dub*lin Busi*ness School), 1 from RCSI (Ro*yal College Sur*geon Ire*land) and a team of mostly UCDian (Univ Col Dub*lin aih annoying plak buat asterisk ni but I don't want to mislead googlers to my blog. kekeke) with an imported keeper.

And so the game started.


The first two matches was against the DBS teams. We won quite easily with them (puh kanan puh kiri jangan ah ada dikalangan mereka baca belog saya T___T" ) and our momentum was at it peak that morning. I couldn't even remember the score but I know it's more than 3 lah :P Bile menang mesti kena confident kan.

Against the turf queens. Queens of the turf, not the game :P

The third game was against the UCD team. Looking at the formation, we knew it they wanted to win. Like..they imported one of the best keeper and a Singaporean futsal captain (or sth like that, I'm not really sure) who really could play football like a true footballer, not like a lady FUTSAL-er. As expected, they were really good that our confidence begin to fade away after being thrashed away 4-0.

this is the dangerous striker (not the fat one, obviously. itu saya T__T) sepak kuat cam ape je..

Our last game in the league was against the RCSI team. They were a bunch of very very fit girls so that was really an advantage compared to our demotivated team. Lagipun we had quite a long break in between the game so we kinda lost our momentum so we could only win by one goal difference, 1-0 (ecececeh...alasan banyak plak) But I was so glad I saved a penalty that was given to RCSI during the first half. Mek nervousssssssss..gile kau dah lah hari tu tak berapa nak perform sangat tiba-tiba kena penalty kan..

During the finals, we were once again playing against the UCDian. Time tu semua dah pasrah and we played kinda just for fun. The first half was good we managed to defend quite well. Not until 2nd half when everybody started to lose the interest already and again, we were beaten 4-0.

after final match

All in all it was a good game. I am planning to hang my boots (Sport shoes?) from Dub*lin games because I've collected all 3 medals, gold, silver and bronze sepanjang kehidupan saya disini. But I love and enjoy sports so I think I might change my mind later days.

L-R 2009's silver medal and 2008's gold medal.nasib medal last year lagi cantek..hahahaha

p/s : I forgot to tune my alarm clock and my alarm handphone to daylight saving time and woke up an hour earlier today. Warghhhh...stress! An hour of sleep is so precious y'know??

Oh..and the SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is resurfacing. Goodbye dear sun, and welcome depressing winter >.<

October 27, 2009

Sesi luahan hati bersama Puan Agoni

Sebab malam ni saya sedikit tidak stabil. Dan esok saya cuma ada satu kelas yakni (pergh dah lama tak dengar perkataan yakni. yakni ni biasanya jumpa kat buku teks sekolah agama zaadul muta'allim je) pada pukul 1 tengahari, marilah kita bazirkan masa luahkan apa yang terbuku di hati.

Dalam dunia, salah faham selalu sangat terjadi. Kau pergi kedai, orang kedai buat tak layan, kau rasa dia rude sebab ingat kau takde duit nak beli barang. Tapi mungkin sebenarnya orang kedai tengah busy mengira stok. Atau memang polisi kedai dia bagi kebebasan kat pelanggan.

Jadi mengapa ia terjadi? Sebab people don't talk. They assume. They make their own analysis and they make their own conclusion. Pernah dengar tak assumption is mother of all lies? Lepas tu mereka marah dan bengang sendiri and they make whatever shit that they think would best express their anger. Macam cerita orang kedai dan pelanggan tadi, pelanggan tak approach orang kedai and orang kedai pun tak senyum2 dekat pelanggan. Jadi pelanggan marah, keluar dari kedai terus tanpa membeli barang dan membebel2 memblacklist kedai itu.

Jadi apa saya buat? Biasanya kalau saya rasa partly I contributed to the misunderstanding, I will apologize. Gua ni nampak kental di luaran sahaja but actually lembut2 sesuci kulit bayi jugak. Sebab kalau saya, kalau org buat salah kat saya, dan org mintak maaf, hati saya sejuk sket. Jadi saya ingat that applies to everybody (tengok tu assume lagi)

Tapi manusia ini punya ego yang menghalang mereka mendengar ucapan maaf mungkin. Bila keadaan dah diexplain dan diterangkan, mereka masih rasa mereka punya hak untuk marah.

Jadi bile dah ada beberapa kejadian bila maaf dah diutarakan dan takde respon dipihak lawan, kepercayaan saya perlahan-lahan mula luntur pada kuasa kemaafan.Macam gigi yang develop gingivitis dan periodontitis. My ego is slowly building up.Macam kalau kau malam2 tak gosok gigi, plaques started to build up.

Bacteria2 di gigi samalah macam syaitan2 dalam hati mula merasuk-rasuk meresapkan rasa amarah. Jadi kau akan slowly sakit hati seperti mengalami gingivitis. Tapi kalau keadaan berterusan begitu, time will never heal in this case. Gingivitis will slowly be developed into periodontitis. And periodontitis is IRREVERSIBLE. Jadi rasa amarah tu akan jadi susah nak padam.

Bila jadi macam ni saya tak tahu nak buat apa dah. Di tahap sekarang, saya masih lagi gingivitis yakni masih boleh dirawat. Tapi saya rasa sudah 3 perkara berlaku kerana salah faham ini, saya macam nak develop periodontitis sudah. Lagi parah bila orang yg saya tak sangka2 dan patut faham saya pun jadi salah faham. Jadi marah tu dah dicampur dengan sedih campur dengan bingung.

Ya Allah, padamu saya panjatkan doa dan harapan..lembutkan lah hati saya dan hati orang disekeliling saya. Supaya saya masih mampu memohon maaf dan masih layak menerima kemaafan. Kerana Kau العفو , Maha Pemaaf, Kau serapkan lah sedikit sifat pemaaf di hati-hati kami.

Saya sedih ini. Kes terbaru saya mungkin akan menyiapkan bala tentera untuk menegakkan kembali ego saya berdiri setelah lama saya pujuk hati. Luka lama berdarah kembali.


I am fucking pissed off. Gua patut ada banyak lagi cerita kat blog neh. tapi sebab beberapa hal tu gua bengang gile.

Misunderstandings really turn my world upside down. Sapa lagi sapa lagi nak misunderstanding. Meh ah ramai2 misunderstand lagi. Senang abis cite takde ah satu satu nak jadi. Sekali arung je senang

Mari lah mari mengurangkan kawan menambahkan musuh. Alangkan so called kawan baik pun bleh tersalah paham apatah lagi kawan biase2 tak baik mana pun.

Just don't break down yet nad. Just don't

October 23, 2009

Of football and international appearance

I had my first international appearance today.

Wahhhhh ayat opening tak nak kalah. Today we had a game going on against the 4th years (a football game that is) For the first time ever, I get to meet them in a non-class environment. You know being here it's hard to penetrate through their social clan because most of the activities are held in the bars and involve alcohols. So I don't really see my classmates that much outside classes hospitals or labs.

So when I have the opportunity to play football with them, I didn't miss it. I played as goalie because as alwaysssss people will never say that they want to take up that position. Biasalah kalau tanya mesti main striker or defender. Jarang lah kata I am goalie.

I enjoyed playing the game so much! Sakit sengal sana-sini tu biasalah because we played for half an hour like that. We had close winning 3-2 and our classmates are all geared up for our next game against the first years. They even wanted to have practice session before the real match. Sssseeeemaangattttt..

Anyhoo..I hope I managed to change whatever perceptions they have towards me or the international students or muslim students. Yup we don't mix with them that much simply because we are not really comfortable with their definition of having fun. Not that we don't want to. I hope I did my job well as a representative to my country, race and religion. Wahhhh kau kenapa semangat patriotik lebih ni?

Eh tapi kelakar la hearing them struggling to pronounce my name. Like..people who are close to me like the Malaysians, Botswanian and Michele (she's from Singapore) would call me Nad but the rest of them would call my full name. It came out as "Nazra" when they are trying to talk quickly. Cuma the Kuwaitis je could pronounce my name beautifully eventhough it sounded more like "Nadzerraa" (baca dengan makhraj yang betul. kekeke)

Tomorrow I'm going to Dublin for Dublin Week. My third involvement in the Dublin games - futsal, badminton and chess among Malaysian in Ireland/UK. During my first year we formed a mixed team and got 6th place out of 8. Last year I represented team Cork and we won first place! I hope this year we could at least win a medal. Tak kisah la warna ape pun =)

the first years, October 2007

Corkians, Oct 2008

CorkoroCocoCrunch - we are back, October 2009, insyaAllah ^^

October 22, 2009

Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I stay..

I have problem in voicing out my true feelings...especially like when I'm angry or when I'm sad or when I'm not happy with something. Before this I used to think blog is the best way to channel my anger but I guess it's no longer valid anymore. True true, my blog, my right to say whatever I wanna say. BUT if I chose to open my blog to public that means it is subjected to public's judgement as well.

Lagipun saya pernah rasa sedihnya menerima dedikasi khas dari blog post and I think it is too painful to hear things in that way. So I chose not to do so. I chose that. You, you or you can choose differently from me, that is not a problem at all. :)

So each and everytime when I am down with certain unhappy things, I will finally breakdown. Either by myself or with the ones that I'm comfortable with.

Ciri-ciri calon suami yang seterusnya : Must be able to detect when I started to feel unhappy. Must be there for me to lend his shoulders or be my punchbag. Of the utmost important of all must never give up on me when everybody does.

P/S : Ahhhh tak sabarnya nak bercerita tentang PENGALAMAN SAYA MENERJAH ORAL CAVITY RAKAN SEKELAS. Tapi tapi tapi..mood adalah tidak berapa baik sekarang..

October 19, 2009

Like London London London, wanna go down!

Hello all..Just got back from London today! kekeke..

We departed for London on the night of Friday. Ada drama sikit awal2 tu because my Garda card WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Dahlah kemas2 packing smua pun lambat kan. Pastu cari Garda card (Immigration card) takde. Kasut hilang sebelah. Memang drama abis. At that time memang dah takde mood abis dah nak gi that I just don't feel like going anymore.

Ryanair. Perhatikan muka cranky dihujung sana

I went anyway. Half-heartedly. Because I had a feeling that this trip not gonna be fun as I wish it should be.

At London we stayed at Nisa's place (she's a friend of Dayah) Went to MARA open house (or should I say mihun goreng potluck? because there were 5 types of mi goreng altogether) The food was quite disappointing though. Met Nabila and off we went shopping at the famous Oxford street and my favourite area - Bayswater (Malaysian hall area)

Di rumah Nisa

Hasil tangkapan ke London kali ini - 2 super comfy shoes from Clark. One for clinic one for casual. Beg for class. Ceh ceh ceh...TAK ABIS2 NAK JUSTIFY BARANGAN INI DIBELI UNTUK DIPAKAI KE CLASS UTK MENGURANGKAN RASA BERSALAH =.=" And last minute shopping at Stansted Airport for my foundation and pressed powder. A total of about 80pound for everything. Ok lah tu en...taklah teruk sangat en..semua belian barangan berguna tak membazir langsung :P

Bersama Nabila dan dua dari lima jenis mihun goreng yg disediakan

sebab rindu Nabila, jadi bonus lagi satu gambar bersama.

Pagi tadi bangun terkejut because we were supposed to catch up bus to Victoria station at 7.30. Tapi bangun2 dah 7.45 kan. Langkah bijak berborak sehingga lewat pagi dan masuk tidur jika tau anda perlu naik bas pada pukul 730. Buat lah selalu! Lari-lari amazing race tahan taxy DAN SAYA TERTINGGAL PHONE SAYA. YES NADZIRAH NI KALAU PERGI MELANCONG TAK TINGGAL BARANG MEMANG TAK SAH. Tapi sebab dah lambat kan so pasrah je lah. Managed to catch bus to Stansted Airport at 8.35. Reached airport at 10.05. 10.30 check in, just nice by 11.05 naik flight. Semua just nice jeee...Alhamdulillah. KALAU TERLEPAS BAS KENA NAIK FERRY BERJAM-JAM WEH TAK KUASA MEK!

Oh and turned out sebenarnya, Garda card saya ada bersama ynaw (nama kurang benar) dan bersama kami sepanjang di London! Sebab nya dulu saya pass kat dia card ni untuk amik parcel saya kat pejabat pos sebab takut mereka mintak ID. Lepastu terlupa abis, sampai lah harini saya pergi geledah satu bilik sambil rasa nak menangis putus asa kerana kehilangan garda card. Lepastu nasib ingatan masih boleh diguna pakai. NAK BUAT BARU 150EU WEH. Nak kena report polis lagi. Itu lagi ini lagi...mek tak kuasaaaaaaaaa....

Jadi mari tambah satu kriteria baru bakal suami : mesti lagi cermat dan tidak cuai seperti saya. Sebab nanti kalau pergi melancong tiba-tiba anak tertinggal bagaimana?


October 15, 2009

When shitty feeling strikes

Result Patho dah keluar! Result adalah seperti gambar diatas sekian terimakasih.
Pesanan kepada diri sendiri : layan lah sangat sedih tu sebelum malam exam.

To let go does not mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else.

To let go is not to cut myself off, it's the realization I can't control another.

To let go is not to enable, but allow learning from natural consequences.

To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To let go is not to try to change or blame another, it's to make the most of myself.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.

To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their destinies.

To let go is not to be protective, it's to permit another to face reality.

To let go is not to deny, but to accept.

To let go is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.

To let go is not to criticize or regulate anybody, but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To let go is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.

To let go is to fear less and love more.

(author unknown)

p/s : My heart hurts the most when it comes to people that I care. But everybody in the world know it takes two to tango. I'm trying my best to convince myself to let go now.

Let's hope Imma get over this shits ASAP.

October 13, 2009

Me and my heart we got issue

With my almost non-existence artistic skill, often I question how am I gonna survive Dentistry. Seriously like..I'm no perfectionist. Neither do I love paying attention to small details. And I hate to light on Bunsen burner on my own. Dulu kalau pelajaran Sains kat makmal sekolah kalau kena nyalakan penunu (KENAPA PENUNU? BURNER = PENUNU KE? PENUNU TU BURNER KE? BURNER tu cam pembakar. so nunu = bakar ke?) bunsen mesti saya mengelat dan suruh rakan buat.

Tapi dalam prosthetic (Dictionary meaning : artificial part of a body. Maksudnya buat benda-benda cam gigi palsu dsbgnya) lab I had to start developing those skills. Buat saya tak bersemangat sahaja setiap kali nak pergi pros labs..

Our second practical required us to shape the wax on the cast. Total masa saya bekerja dengan wax ini setakat ni adalah dalam 8 jam..tu pun tak siap2 T___T I had to shape this...

kepingan wax

Into this!

wax on the cast dibentuk

Cabaran membuat wax ni antaranya ialah : -

1. memotong lebihan wax. Psychomotor tangan saya sedikit cacat dan nervous sedikit
2. mengilatkan wax. kuku panjang selalu tercucuk wax so dia jadi cacat kerana ada bekas2 kuku. tapi harini dah pandai sikit sebab bawak nailclipper gi class. hahahah
3. mengilatkan wax. (sampai dua kali nampak sangat mmg noob buat benda ni)

Minggu lepas, setelah berjaya mendapat bentuk yg cantik dan hampir kilat, wax saya stuck on the yellow cast. DOWN GILER WEEEEHHHHHHH. Mr JH (my lecturer) managed to pull it out off the cast and it was all ugly fugly. And the clock showed 4.40pm at Friday afternoon and I've been there since freaking 2PM (awhhh...2PM~~~) He saw my disappointment and said...

No worries. You go back and pack up your things. Next week you come, we're gonna put them on the hot water and we gonna reshape them again darling!

So as promised, harini saya bawakan my distorted wax kepada dia...dan dia tolong saya bentukkan semula. And I went through all the hella things again kilatkan and bagi dimensionally correct semua and brought it back to him again

Seee...this is not too bad, aren't they. Now you just cover up the rough parts here and you are all okay baby. *start nyanyi lagu baby baby apetah..

And he pats on my back.

Sumpah saya terharu emosi segala time tu. Airmata bergenang skit ah. I think he could see I was in despair. And he comforted me. What I need the most all the time. A voice to tell me I'm doing okay..that I'm doing alright ---> gila needy minah ni.

Jadi saya bawak balik ini ke rumah untuk dibersih kilatkan supaya saya boleh mula bekerja dengan the lower jaw pula jumaat ini. *sighh

Ahhhh saya mesti tabah buat semua ini. Saya mahu berjaya sebagai pelajar. Berjaya sebagai dentist. Supaya dah besar dah ada rezeki halal duit sendiri boleh shopping tanpa rasa bersalah. Mampu membeli beg 2-3k tanpa perlu memakai pakaian seksi mahupun dress sebagai ayam atau kucing atau iguana atau arnab atau biribiri.

October 12, 2009

Tuai padi antara masak, esok jangan layu-layuan

Lalalala Alhamdulillah the nasi kerabu turned out okay. And edible. Settled sudah segalanya..

Saya baru sedar tiap-tiap tahun mesti saya buat nasi kerabu selepas Shidot tulis ni. Hahaha..tapi kesian lah orang Kelantan mesti rasa tertipu makan nasi kerabu saya sebab tak sama macam original. Takpe2 practice makes perfect dah perfect nanti boleh lah kawen ngan orang Klantan HAHAHAHAHA TIPU JEEERR

Oh ye..Okay kanak-kanak Cork amik perhatian. Bersedia untuk menyerang...restoran kami pergi tu nama dia Casanova (tapi tak jumpa casanova pun kat sana...*sigh. mungkin encik tukang layan tu casanova tapi tak jadi ngorat sebab kami byk Dekat lorong Discount World / Spice Cork dan sebagainya. Bertentangan dengan AIB. Tapi tanye lah balik daging halal ada tak...mana ah tau dia dah serik Malaysian datang ramai-ramai buat onar kat situ ke terus dia tukar semua menu guna porky porky. hahaha..tipu jeerr.

Seronok dapat lepak bersama-sama rakan sebatch semula hari ini. Kita dah terpisah berpisah. Jadi seronok sekali sekala dapat berkumpul bergurau mesra bersenda ria awwwwhhhhhh. Tak sabar kita nak pakai baju tema berwarna sama tahun depan awwwwhhhhhhhh. Tak sabar nak menimang anak saudara batch awwwwwwwhhhhhhh.

Ok dah penat nak tido baaaaaaaiiiiii

October 11, 2009

Konon-konon takde idea nak update tapi sekali update panjang jugak. Ok tajuk sebenar : A fattening weekend

Uh uh...I love weekend. Like..who doesn't?

This weekend is weekend full of food and fatnesssss. Kalau lah dalam dunia ni ada tugas inspektor mengawal kegemukan, saya boleh dihukum bunuh dah. Hari Jumaat haritu makan di restoran itali. Tau-tau ah Malaysian ni kalau dengarrrrrrrr je restoran tu ada makanan halal boleh makan laju je nak penuhkan satu restoran amik meja tarik panjang-panjang buat restoran romantik jadi macam mapley Hakim seksyen 7. Mesti lepas ni orang restoran tu berazam taknak dah letak dah halal meat.

good ambience. lomentik awww

si tukang layan sabar melayan kerenah orangkampung HAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Semalam pula openhaus adik-adik first year. Memang dah jadi tradisi dah. Tradisi dibuat-buat ke apa saya tatau la tapi memang tiap-tiap tahun mesti nanti dah standby dah nak cakap "eh eh junior jgn lupa buat openhaus tau tiap-tiap tahun junior kena buat openhaus" Kalau nanti junior datang lepas raya apa alasan plak kita nak suruh diorg buat openhaus eh. Haha..Makanan mereka sedap-sedap not too bad. Ada mee bandung, nasi butter, ayam bakar, salad and deserts. Time-time ni lah nak menguji bakat memasak terpendam.

Kalau macam kitorang dulu lagi awal dah diuji. Masuk-masuk awal-awal dah kena MASAK AYAM MERAH UNTUK BERPULUH-PULUH ORANG MAKAN SEBAGAI MAIN DISH RAYA. Bijak betul sapa yang dapat idea macamtu. Sampai sekarang terlupa nak terimakasih kat orang yg bagi tugas macamtu kat ktorang.

nilah dia kenangan memasak ayam merah guna periuk yang sangat susah penas dimasak atas dapur eletrik kecil yang tak berapi.

ni plak dish kami dulu time 1st year.

Malam pula kita sambut birthday Iera secara kecil-kecilan. Tapi sambutan je kecil-kecilan, makan mesti la besar-besaran kan. Ish ish ish..Memang seryes boleh mati gemuk anytime.

Harini pula saya membayar nazar untuk memasak untuk batch. Saya suka je buat nazar macam tu biar senang ingat. Ada la benda lain jugak yang saya nazarkan tapi ini...memang cam dah my norm la gitu. Harap-harap nasi kerabu and ayam percik will turn out okay. Sumpah skill memasak saya sudah deteriorate ditelan summer holiday. Jadi kena cari permata yang hilang itu. Wah permata ke kau..Tapi mungkin ada sedikit cranky harini SEBAB SEMALAM JIRAN SEBELAH PARTAYY PARTAAAYYY EEEEEEE SUMPAH RASA NAK BAWAK LESUNG BATU CAMPAK KAT RUMAH MEREKA SEMALAM. Serius. Nak partaaaayyy pergi la clubbbbb..Jangan ah partayyyy kat rumah. Dahlah tingkat bawah rumah tu adalah klinik kamu berjimba-jimba nanti montot tercucuk ubat ke ape ke..eeeeee....

Oh oh lupa nak cerita...semalam pagi-pagi kita, kak iera and sedikit wany dirasuk hantu karaoke. Pagi-pagi kitorang bukak lagu rock kapak cinta pantai merdeka la salam sejahtera la seroja la, dangdut sikit-sikit disana sini memekak. Puas hati ohh karaoke sambil makan cucur seafood. Mungkin jiran terdengar lalu berazam membalas dendam dengan berpartaaaayyy...Haaaa..itu yang kita tatau!

Ada satu lagi benda lupa nak cerita...Semalam pergi town tershopping lagi wehhhhh...Jadi kesimpulannya, semakin seorang sengkek, semakin kuat nafsu bershopping.


October 08, 2009

Sakit apa Tok wi sakit sendi tuulaang!

I think my body is slowly beginning to give up on me. Sakit sengal sana-sini. I don't wanna keep on shoving painkiller..not good not good.

Maybe it's time for me to visit Mardyke. It's been long since I went there. Tapi tapi tapi..everyday I kinda breeze-walked to the hospital, 1o mins in the morning and another 10mins in the afternoon (if I have like 2 hours break in the middle, I would go home so plus another 20 mins for a return journey home) Tak cukup bersenam lagi ke?

Or maybe I need a masseuse?

Whatever it is I feel my body is so olddddd..

p/s : a month a week to go. hang in there dear self

October 07, 2009

Banyak masa kak...update 2 kali sehari?

Eversince I changed my phone, I became vveeerrrrrryyyyyyyy the lazy one to reply texts. Seriously like if it demands my urgent attention like someone's in trouble or about exam or sthg then only will I be replying.

The thing is..apparently my phone is now a touch screen phone. Before this I used to declare my stand AGAINST touch phone because I found them very not user friendly. Tapi tatau ah kenapa kan haritu when I was browsing through new phones I got trapped with the seller's words and bought it instead. Inilah mind and mouth did not really coordinate properly at times...kepala pikir lain mulut cakap lain.

Jadi begitulah. Because with the new phone I can't text while doing something else (driving,eating,sleeping oh yes I do reply texts while sleeping) and ended up forgotting and not replying the text. Lagi-lagi saya ini orangnya tiada boyprenn yg selalu mahu ditext so I don't really give a damn to my phone nowadays.

p/s : Semalam Wany mimpi saya tunang dgn S (bukan nama sebenar) OMO scaryyyyyy man..Wany aku nak request tukar tunang aku bleh tak? Picture this guy below before tido and mimpi aku tunang dgn dia pls?

October 06, 2009

Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, lautan dalam jangan diduga

Yesterday before I went to sleep I watched 2pm on Idol Army with After School. They were hilllllaaaarioussss that I laughed so hard on the bed at 1 in the morning. Gotta love them boys..they are so adowwable. I miss them on stage already Jay come back faster!!! So I thought after a good laugh everything will be okay.

I was wrong.

It went into my dream. The whole clan. And the scene was not good. It was so bad that I woke up almost crying today.

We are gonna take this slowly okay. Time heals. Time WILL heal

Rebirth into reality

Uh hello everyone! Welcome to my newly designed blog. But I still don't like the header and the fonts. Sapeeelaahh yang boleh tolong buatkan header untuk saya ini.. Hopefully with a new design, comes a new me (budget cam with great power comes great responsibility spiderman like that)

Things have been pretty rough yesterday. I did not expect that coming but...hey things don't always go at they way they wanted to be don't they? I was in great shock and pain that I deactivated every network website that I am in. I am sooooo sorry to all people that have been suffering because of me. I truly am. My personal apologize will arrive later. Rest assured I know where I stand now and I won't be invading any people's life anymore.

I'm done with Patho exams. I couldn't find a nicer word to describe the exams because they were totally nightmare! The night before I was still in shock that I couldn't study. You know..when you give your life totally to a .....ship and the .....ship suddenly sinks, you'll be drowning don't you? And I was totally in great panic this morning as I turn the pages. Nak tawakal pun segan usaha tah camne..*sigh

After the miserable exams I went straight away to the town. Put on my iPod, and walked to town. Took time to think thoroughly about everything. Made my way to the new attraction of the citayy..

Could it be Brad and Angie?'s H&M! Finally they are in Cork!

vain dalam fitting room

Browsed through the clothes and coats there. I was on full mode on retail therapy..the clothes are nice..but the one I wanted hasn't my size already. At that time I was so determined to go on crazy diet so I could fit in the nice coats...So I walked out of H&M in disappointment...But luckily A|Wear did not put me down! Finally found something to satisfy my retail therapy desire. Terus tak jadi nak diet gila-gila and went to Istanbul to buy kebab instead. Cacaaaatt...

While waiting for the bus to go back home I bumped into a creepy old man with no anterior maxillary teeth and baddddd mandibular teeth. The canines are worn away and he's...eeee...creeeeppppyyy I tell you.

UTOM = Ugly teeth old man
SM = Scared me

UTOM : How are you
SM : I'm good..
*masih mode friendly

UTOM : Where are you from *start senyum creepy nampak gigi buruk
SM : Malaysia..

UTOM : Are you married
*starts to feel I decided to pretend I don't understand what he was saying. I made he repeated his questions a few times.
SM : No
--> lesson learned. If a creepy old man ask this Question, just say YESSSSS..

UTOM : Have you got a number phone
SM : No
--> dah pandai sikit time nih.

UTOM : Are you waiting for the bus
SM : Yes
UTOM : Which bus are you taking
at this time I kept my eye towards the bus...and that's when I saw bus no 8 and 14. I could take any of them to go home..So I got this brilliant idea..
SM : Bus number 8 -->
And quickly walks away to a shoe shop. Nak buat2 telefon orang tak bleh nanti kantoi ada fon

So I was hiding in the shoe shop until bus no 8 came and about to go. Ahhh..selamat. That creepy old man was on bus no 8 so I quickly went in bus 14. Tapi sempat gak ah ternampak dia atas bas and he smiled creepily to me..eeee...
Apakah ini nasib saya? Hanyalah si orang tua bergigi buruk? Kessiiaaannn diaa...Org tua je nak kawan dengan dia T__T

The Lough from bus no 14

Oh well..I guess that's all from now. I pray things will fall into places as time goes by. Again and again and again my sincere apologies to everyone..whom life I intruded and whom time I stolen. I'm gonna go layan 2pm until I could regain my sanity and will try my best to keep away from any online shop. Dah dah ah tuh nak buat retail therapy.... T___T

October 05, 2009

Oh now look what I've done

I'm never a good friend. And never will be a good friend.

I'm just too demanding never an understanding.

And day by day I'll keep on losing people that can withstand me.

My apology to everyone. I'm gonna disappear if I've been the pain to everyone's arse..

October 04, 2009

Slightly pissed-off

In my practice as a dentist in the future, I hope I WILL someday stumbled upon HYPERTROPHIC OBSTRUCTIVE CARDIOMYOPATHY /MITRAL STENOSIS / AORTIC REGURGITATION and all these complicated and sophisticated diseases that have restricted me from getting good night sleeps.

Bukan nak mendoakan ketidaksejahteraan future patient. I'm just pissed off that I had to force myself to wake up at 2, because I slept at 10 and because I am not done with Patho revision.

I don't even know whether all there are relevant to my future practice or not.

And I am clueless with all these question what investigation to undertake first and whatnots knowing that one day when a 62 y o man admitted to hospital with left arm discomfort which woke him up at sleep at 5am bla bla bla pulse 110/min bp 120/60 bla bla bla ECG shows sinus tachycardia with T wave inversion but no ST shift segala....all I can do is to pass this patient to the doctors. The medicine doctors.

Because I'm (insyaAllah) only a dentist. Apalah si bongap yang hanya bermain dengan gigi dan mulut busuk ini boleh buat?

Sorry peeps. Ini hanyalah luahan pissed off. Teringat ayat-ayat orang-orang bila saya kata saya nak buat dentistry. Sedih mak, noks!

Be back when I'm done with all of this.

October 02, 2009

Diari Syawal Ira (nama tak berapa benar)

Harini saya bangun pagi dan mandi dan solat. Turun bawah breakfast maggi. Makan. 9.15 lari-lari bertolak ke kelas. Tukar scrub amik tools. Lab OTL sampai pukul 12.15. Hantar barang sterilize tukar baju pergi beli air kat kedai 12.40 masuk balik. 1 kelas sampai kul 1.35.

Balik rumah singgah Tesco beli telur dengan sayur. Sampai rumah bakar croquettes dengan fishcake. Solat. Check email. Main Farmv*ville dengan MW. Makan. Bukak buku. Tibe-tibe tertidur kepenatan selama 20 minit T__T Bangun bukak buku. Chat. Mainkan MW utk dia. Solat.

Pukul 5.15 turun bawah nak masak. Kemas dapur. Masak sup sayur fishball crabstick. Ayam goreng sambal. Masak nasik. Naik atas. Mandi. Cuci toilet. Solat. Turun dinner. Naik. Chat. Bukak buku.

Point yang ingin saya utarakan disini..saya begitu kagum dengan kaum ibu terutamanya yg bekerja yang tidak jemu-jemu melakukan rutin sama yang memenatkan hari-hari. Saya ini baru pukul 8.45 dah penat mengantuk segala tak berdaya. Terima kasih ibu =D

October 01, 2009

chenta kata chenta

buat masa ini, cinta saya fokus kepada Pathology dan 2pm dulu ya?