
September 22, 2010

I am a bruxist

I am due to come up with another post aren't I? Huhuhu...apakah saya akan menghapdet blog only once a week? We'll see how it goes ya? Still adjusting to my new life.

Last Friday I had an orthodontic session. Almost semuorang saya cakap saya tengah belajar dentist akan cakap wahhh kaya la nanti kalau boleh buat braces. Tapi kalau dengan orang-orang cengeh kat ortho dept ni, I dunno whether I would still have interest in orthodontics. Was supposed to trim our own model but mine went missing. I practically went all over the possible places - changing room, locker room, C&B lab but still couldn't find it. Was shot a very angry look by my supervisor and the lab guy that made me teared up a bit. Drama drama drama. Haha!

The next Monday, turned out my model was in my friend's locker. I was so relieved and slightly mad as well. I went through a hell of Friday morning because of this. And now I had to use up my free Wednesday afternoon to catch up with the ortho session.

Tapi tapi tapi that Friday afternoon in OTL Prof McC's made a good remark on my crown prep. Legaaaa sikit hati yang lara ni. I dunno if he could tell I was having bad day and just wanted to cheer me up or what but it really brightened up my day. Mengada lebih saya ni kena puji sikit dah kembang.

Oh oh and now that we are preparing ourselves to meet real patients we had to assess each other in the clinic. So far I found out that I have bruxism and that my jaw is kinda misaligned! Bruxism is an involutary habit of clenching and grinding your teeth. I'd say my contributing factor would be stresses and my misaligned teeth. The unexplained intermittent headache and throbbing pain in my back teeth are prolly caused by this habit. Huhu...I'm thinking of getting an orthodontic treatment. It would be handy if I could do it here but the cost is kinda scary and definitely not affordable. sobs.

Last weekend we organized an Open House for our friends here. It was tiring but it was worth the effort. At least it gave us a chance to catch up with everyone (who came that is) Although there were some talks behind the back that are very unnecessary I'm glad it went well. I hoped everyone felt the same too. My weekend was gone just like that. I wanted to do some catching ups with friends back at home but haishk..tak sempat. Lagipun sekarang ni musim raya lagi. Buang karan je nak ingat saya yg jauh di perantauan ni. sobs.

Hmmm I guess that's all for now. Thank God it's almost halfway thru the week already. The days passed by so fast nowadays. Pegi klinik pegi lab pegi kelas pergi pagi balik petang malam penat tido. Sooooo can't wait for the weekend. Lagi-lagi the free weekends where I can spend time for myself.


oops did I just say that? said...

hello fellow malaysian in ireland! found u on random through blogs.

n Z r A said...

hello there! hehe..welcome to my crapping place :D