
July 13, 2010

Of changes that I despise but it will still happen

This summer is starting to feel so different with the past summers. Partly because I've lost my partner in crime so my activities are a bit slow here.

The first 2 weeks was a blast but now it's almost stagnant already. I wanted to ask some friends out, but some of them are tied up with commitments already. Some even have boyfriend fearing that I might go out with the girlfriend too much. LOL. Saya balik tiap-tiap tahun tak sampai 2 bulan pun how could I take somebody's out within that 2 months more than you have in that other 10 months?

Thank God I still have Wani who would still spend some time for me for movie nights. Itu pun dah bersyukur sangat-sangat.

Ahaaa..I sounded too much like a loser now. Gotta start doing something lah tomorrow!

1 comment:

A.R.E.L.E.E.Z.A.F.F.E.N.D.Y said...

tengok movie hape?