
May 25, 2011

Medicine and Surgery for Dental Students - MCQ

30 questions, 5 stems. Answer : True/False/Do Not Know. Negative Marking. 1.5hours.
These are roughly the questions. Some of the choice of answer could be wrong tho. Haha..tak ingat sangat..
I'll add more when I remember

1. Herpetic whitlow
- can recur
- incidence among dentist is increasing
-acyclovir eradicate permanently

2. Immunodeficiency
- oral candidiasis in 1st 2 months warrants for investigation of primary immunodefficiency
- scid below 1 year old
-methrotrexate causes neutropenia
-infliximab and bone marrow suppression

3. L/A
- high doses cause convulsion, tachycardia,
- effect on sensory
- must inject at muscle
- adrenaline must be given at end stage to reduce bleeding

4.(Maxillofacial trauma)
25 y/o  male, unrestrained, road traffic accident causing multiple injuries. Only response to pain stimuli, tachycardia.
-ensanguinal haemorrhage is single possible cause of death
-airway is not primary care
-a few scale to determine prognosis
- need of intubation and ventilation

5. Maxillofacial trauma
- need blood transfusion
- CT scan and xrays
- something about anaesthetic and facial injury

6 Syncope vs seizure. Which differentiate syncope from seizure.
-urine incontinence
-tongue biting
- dilated pupil
- hypotension

7. and 8. Trigeminal neuralgia
- 1st presentation of multiple sclerosis
- ?radioesthatic surgery as effective as microvascular decompression in long term
- microvascular decompression
- commonly in people at age 50 - 60
- clinical signs usually show neurological deficit or something like this tak sure
- surgery access from retromastoid area

9. and 10. Radiation - this is kinda like a bonus question cause out of 5 choices, there's only 1 True answer. 
-fractionate therapy (2Gy /day)
-total dose for primary treatment head and neck cancer -no prior surgery (60-70 Gy/day)

11. Perioperative
- chest x ray is essential for every patient
- tpn vs enteral - which is effective to replace nutrient if nutritional deficiency
- stop steroid at least 10 days prior to surgery
- in diabetic patient, they need to take insulin when they are fasting prior to surgery

12. Medication that need to be stopped before surgery

13. Wound healing
-debridement increase risk infection
-haematoma is a space occupying lesion that contains blood
-haematoma increase risk of infection

14. Steroid therapy causes
- sleeping disturbance
- hypertension
- osteoporosis
- easy bruising + friable skin
- Addison's disease

15. Diabetes
- ketoacidosis most common cause of trauma
-increase oral candidiasis

16. Oral manifestation of GI disorder
-coeliac - dental erosion
- Crohns on tongue
- ulcer on ulcerative colitis

17. Kaposi sarcoma
-can occur in oral cavity
- cause by Human Herpes Simplex 8

18. Melanoma
- in male, occurs at sun exposed face??
-?breschow thickness
-poor prognosis spreading superficially

19. Squamous cell carcinoma and  basal cell carcinoma
-SCC occurs in preexisting naevi
-SCC is sensitive to radiotherapy
-BCC on lip
-SCC usually metastasize to regional lymphatic

20. Asthma
-NSAID exacerbates
-presents with finger clubbing

21. Systematic inflammatory disorder
- giant cell arteritis causes jaw claudication
- rheumatoid arthritis causes TMJ problem (this was repeated twice!)

22. Coeliac
- causes dental erosion
- causes angular chelitis and anaemia

23. Chronic renal failure
-pulmonary fibrosis
-causes hypoparathyroidism

24. Thyroid disorder
- hypertension and throtoxicosis
-macroglossia and thyrotoxicosis
- hypothyroidism (?) and Addison's

25. Rheumatoid
-rheumatoid factor is spesific to rheumatoid arthritis
-anti-Ro in sjogren

26. Osteoathritis
- cause dry eyes and mouth

27. Hepatitis
- in ireland, most of hepatitis is caused by hep A
- hep B can be prevented by vaccination
- hep C can be prevented by vaccination
- antiretroviral therapy in hiv needle stick injury reduce 80%

28. Bell's palsy, on affected side
- can't close eye
- can't open mouth
- can't wrinkle forehead

29. ENT
- lamina whatthefuck (par something2 tak ingat tak reti woi) separates maxillary sinus from the orbit
- meningitis, subdural abscess are complications of acute sinusitis
- paranasal sinuses something something
- plain x-ray can be used to diagnose sinusitis


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Anonymous said...

i dulu lepas exam jer x mau ingt dah mcq semua ni..ehehe.anyway quite a tough question..good luck!

n Z r A said...

hehe..thanksss. did this for my juniors for their future ref. kalau bleh mmg tak nak ingat dah sbnanye!