May 29th :
Nadiah - my first friend ever in SMSS. Back in the year of 2000, at Dining Hall we met. She was my classmate of 3 years. Always somewhat cengeng but otherwise a very cheerful, energetic girl.
Aliyah - my classmate back in KMB as well as my college mate and ex housemate. Teman stay up, teman berRedbull and teman menggoreng cekodok at Laburnum. I definitely miss the FAT moments in Laburnum :') I can still count on her if I need someone to talk to.
May 31st
Ida - my bestest friend forever. My cheerleader, my lending ears. A person whom I always turn to for opinions. I can't wait for our Indonesia getaway. Ya Allah, semoga apa yang kami rancang dapat berjalan dengan jayanya :')
As for this one particular person, I can't really wish him the same as the girls. I just hope Allah place him di kalangan orang beriman. Ampunkan dosa-dosanya, kasihani dia seperti mana dia mengasihani kami sewaktu kecil dulu.
For the man whose birthday I never really get to celebrate, whose presence I've always been longing for. I really miss you dad!
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