
November 01, 2008

Kalut lagi serabut (lalu mengarut?)

Hurm...refer to the title.

I am parasiting in Dayah's house, again (and again. And yet she said "ala korang bukan selalu pun datang rumah ktorang" --> awhh...terharu..dah lah selalu derma duit time Poker. hehehe) THE internet has yet to come. Called Eircom to order our broadband (first we need a landline. Need to wait for 10 working days but we ended up waiting for like...30 days? Then after line is set up we need 24 hours before we could order our broadband. After that need to wait another 10 working days before they send the router) Was quite relieve to find out they have a better option for the speed which is 7MB. Ok lah tu. Before this the highest was 3MB. I know it's far slower than NTL, Irish Broadband (20MB) and all, but who are we to choose lah kan?

Anyway what made me come out with the title was the things happened today. After receiving a kinda heart-stabbing comment from a friend I was kinda..disturbed. Not that I am gonna be mad at him, betul gak KOT apa dia kata. 21 years old is old enough to be labelled andartu? Hurm hurm...the word is kinda harsh but I'm trying not to get all fussed with him over this (walaupun dah serang menyerang laser di comment2 lain) cause I'm trying to respect the differences between Men and Women. Men kan from Mars and Women from Venus. Unless they have elective class to learn each other language in their syllabus, they'll never get to understand each other right? Cewwaahh...nice try untuk menenangkan diri disitu.

Tapi still tak puas hati. 21 y old single ladies are andartus dah ke nowadays?

I'd better not even discuss about marriage lah here kang ade pula makhluk Allah yang buat statement Cork people doesn't have nothing better to do other than talking about marriage. Huhu..Whatevs la peeps. I am proud to be Corkians. (mengapa semangat tetiba ni? bear with me people, it's 4.40am now :P) And of this marriage and getting hook up thingy I leave it to God to decide what's best for me la dey.

Jap jap..perasan tak this entry is getting...nowhere?

Ok lah let's make a flow lah..

Morning : Called Eircom to order broadband ->Petang: Check facebook at library, receive comment -> went back home dengan hati yang hiba (hiba? ke panas?) ->Hampir malam :ke rumah Dayah menumpang internet -> Dah nak pagi : menulis blog ttg perasaan hati tapi sebab tulis di pagi hari otak tingtong.

Hurm..adalah kot connection dia..

Anyway put ramblings aside, here goes our prove (ke proof? argh otak tak berfungsi) of winning..

Gold medal with gold tali. Cantekkkk...suit my room's theme. tehehhehe.. my latest possession..walaupun dah nak sebulan tapi tak up lagi gambar...

kaulah peneman dikala kesepian...kaulah penyelamat dikala kelambatan..
My pinky Jeep bicycle...made in.....Malaysia. yeah begitulah rakan-rakan...ikan di laut, asam di darat, di kedai basikal bertemu jua
I am officially a partial rempit now :P


Suki Cida said...

21 is andartu? than kalau 28 macammana lak? muahahah... 21 still young la sis... jauh lagi perjalanan... prob i my age they can call as andartus... ok dont worry... pls get worry kalau u masuk 28 you tak ada bf atau korg nak ajak kawin,... muahahah... ok saje drop komen, jangan kecik ati yer

wani ezryl * said...

oheyy rindunya nak naik basikal!! xD

n Z r A said...

suki cida :heee...thanks for the comment! hurm..tak tak kecik ati..cuma it makes me wonder. and scared too...

cam tu yeay bleh tunggu lagi 7 tahun before risau :)

wani*ezryl : ohhh bekas partial rempit gak ke niii?? hehehhe

fiqah said...

wowowoo 21 kire andartu?camtu,sign me up for the club la bebeh gamaknye..hahaasape btw, laki yg ckp tu?meh nk serang die sket..kecil hati ini...wuahahaha!