Grand Place is the main attraction of Bruxelles and basically all the shopkeepersthere are used to having visitors like us. BUT they are still confused whether we are Malaysian or Indonesian so everytime we passed by the shops they wud go "INDONESIE? MALAYSIE?" Huhuhu...
There was this one stretch of small road dipenuhi seafood restaurant yang menggiurkan. And almost ALL of them would greet us with salaam to attract us into their shop. But sorry la we are so full with Mak Semah's dishes (err..eventho sempat lagi melantak waffle) of course tak berrenti. But I have to admit those seafood luck sooooo deliciouss!!
The next day we woke up pretty late. The previous day consumed too much of energy that we couldn't even open our eyes that morning. Had rendang ayam and pulut kuning (Mak Semah bekalkan) AND maggi (ada orang claim kita harus breakfast like a yeah..fine..whatever~). We even promised not to have our lunch which was, obviously broken. hahahhahaa..konon nak jimat duit taknak makan semua laa..
We saved a lot on transportation. I suggest anyone yang nak pegi jalan2 kat Bruxelles do come in group of 5. Bleh beli tiket group so basically u wud spend only 2ueu per day, unlimited nye perjalanan coz u can purchase a group ticket for only 10eu!
Mini Europe, as the name implies, contains (ape betulke penggunaan perkataan neh?) miniatures of landmarks of Europe nye cities Eiffel tower of Paris, Big Ben of London, Torro del Oro of Malaga and...for Ireland..BLARNEY CASTLE. Ahahahha..lame giler! Sure dah takde idea dah tu..But it's quite costly la..Paying 12.40eu to see all those buildings..huermm..But for the sake of going there kan..Rasenye kat Amsterdam pun ade gak
Later that evening we went to Grand Place, AGAIN. Me and Nida managed to convince them to eat seafood dengan alasan kita dah banyak save on transport. But later we were seduced into some Arabian ke Morocco ke apetah punye kedai..cisss ciss kacang bunciss..And we were offered segala daging2 halal yang boleh dimakan atas darat ni with the price of 11eu per head. Ciss..tergoda jua akhirnyaa...
Disebabkan tiada mahu membazir, we sneaked the leftover dagings (coz terlampau BANYAK) in the aluminium foil. Dahla buat muka pencurik eventho we paid for the food. Muahahaha...adoih..lawak gils..
Jalan-jalan and shopped for our chocs and souvenir, and we went back to our hotel, Formule 1 hotel :)
ini budak sangat jahat
bubuh entry gambo cokelat
saya gila cokelat !!
gambar 3 pakai spek itam tu, dah mcm kumpul tarakuca ca ca ca lah hihihihih
woah! sungguh somot jenjalan nih... perasaan jelus semakin menebal... hehehe...
lily : ngeheeee....kite nak bg awak cekelat sket..nak tak nak tak nak tak nak tak...heheheheh
viruspadu : ahahah..tulah ktorang pun dah rase gituuu
mad redo1 : saba bang mat saba..hahahaha
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