Wow Mila (20 yrs old girl from Penang=same age as moi) became the very 1st girl to win AF. Apparently I had no 'passionate' interest towards AF 5. No doubt, as a true Malaysian (cliche gell) I am one of the beribu2 lemon AF fanatics and for each season, my favourite student will always be in the final 5 (cey..yoyo jer) But I guess ageing process has disengaged me from being the same-old-Nad who used to go gugu gaga over the AF studs, pasting their posters (or even tiny newspaper articles) and paste 'em in my locker/desk/study carrel.I used to defend my favourites whole-heartedly. Fought against those who didn't have the same view as moi, siap gaduh2 lagik. I used to sneak in the boys block back in SMSS, menebalkan muke knocking on the wardens' door just to watch AF (2), since the girls' warden were just too..erm..terabai? atau diabai? atau mmg taknak? But those were the days my friend, minat gue towards AF kian pudar~
But..erm..Shawal and Ebi are quite HOT too..ngeee..
I managed to repay my sleeping debts today. After several "instant wakeups" to reply text msgs that needed my urgent attn, I finally woke up at 2.42pm. This time around, I could wake up late without guilt, like what I felt a few weeks ago! 4 weeks ago, sleeping was such a waste of time, and I even had to take a nap on my study carrel just to ensure I didn't overslept. So I could study study n study.. Ahh...those days have passed (though many of 'em will be coming up later) and I shall enjoy this golden opportunity to sleep as long as I want (=
The latest, hottest news about my SMSS friends = BOD is getting married?!?!!?! BOD is an ex-schoolmate and sadly ex dormate (time form 3 jer!) of mine. She's getting married to a 22 y o policeman and now she's been working her ass off, digging money just to make sure her marriage is going to be happen by this year. Her life is very..............UNIQUE, I shall say. I think it was such a waste and irrational decision. After one whole year of merajuk hati membawa diri she finally got to read her much wanted course-HotCat, then out of a sudden berhenti pula! Aih..ganjil sungguh. Quitting studies, working in JJ to pay up wedding expenses, then what about coming 2,3,14..20 years?
Aih...kasihan dia. Gers gler. Cmon sc slangor folks, let's help her out! Kite wat tabung Bersamamu for Bod~
Gotta pen off now. Esok gue ada karaoke!
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