
August 23, 2006

dentist vs md

Too much to nag on plak malam neyh.I think I am being extra sensitive lately (despite my prior sensitiveness, I am 30% more sensitive than I am supposed to be)

dentist vs med doctor

Ask me why do you want to be a dentist? Ask me when I'm hitting the enter key when I'm filling the online form in JPA online, I wont have any answer.Clueless.But for the sake of rationalizing my choice, I did several research about dentist,but it turns out that..the result is quite shocking.

Dentist recorded highest rate of suicide, particularly because they are tired doing the same routing and looking at the same part, I guess? Oh, this fact did, demotivate me somehow but I still believe there must be a brighter side in dentists' life. Anyway, life's always greener at the other side, isnt it?

i'm ur worst nitemare!!

Life isnt about filling ur pots with cash. My initial intention, my motivation is not driven by $$ factor. It is just something that I pointed out if I dont have anything to defend myself. People seldom look down on me. They prefer medical doctors rather than dentist. Based on status and prestige, I think MD won over dentist la of course.My closest example,my family. My bro, had once questioned me why dentist? Added by my paklong, who asked the same Q, but with additional painful statement="buat pe main dengan gigi orang". Ohh..that is just too..awful.

I dont feel discriminated. I just dont feel belong to bunch of ppl surrounding me.Terkadang inferior pun ada (biasalah saye kan paranoid). Anyway am trying my best to keep my rationality and curb my kecik-hati feelings.Sometimes, I want to know the same things that the med students know. I want to experience the things they will go through but I have my own things to be worried of.

By the way, I feel a lil bit worry. I dont have any problem to witness those yucky bloody stomach nor vagina or whatever organs in human's body. But I feel like throwing up when I see through people mouth.Oh gross..and this is surely a big prob to me.Tuhlaa...cepat suruh sumbody make a film or series on dentist, specifically.

ahaha..dream on lah

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