
March 09, 2015

Just keep running. Just keep moving. Just keep swimming.

The flowery medal. Got flower summore at the end of the run. Andddd I ran 893kcal terus perang tu keluar gi makan Myburgerlab. Dasaaaar sangat perangai!

My very first running event this year - MWM. The weather was good. We started early, flag off was at 630am. I was kinda clueless to where I should park my car and Alhamdulillah I thought I was lost I actually parked very near to the starting line. Went out early because I was afraid there will be heavy traffic and had my Subuh prayer at the Blue Mosque's parking area despite being very near to the Mosque. Haishk have to la flag off at 630 maa.

This time around I was all alone. Not my first time, I ran Hard Rock Run alone but that was only a 3.4km run so there aren't much fuss - hotel tepi starting line bangun, jalan, lari, balik mandi breakfast. Mudahh. I admit I don't know how to run with people. I choose my own pace sometimes I run sometimes I walk. I don't like it when I have to chase someone and sometimes I have my own target too so I can't really wait for someone. For every run I enter I have my own time to beat so deswai kekakak run solo tapi kalau ada yang boleh ikut cara kekakak lari gua tadehal. Sebab tu kekawan tak suka masuk run dengan I kot. Lulz

I finished below 1:30hr and that was my target. At the last km I had muscle cramp that I literally had to drag my feet to the finishing line. Dah habis lari sebab kekakak sensorang kekakak amik medal, beratur amik air milo lori lepastu duduk tepi bucu sorang-sorang bongkok-bongkok stretch kaki sampai terbergenang air mata sikit sebab sakit. Haha drama kejap. Sakit okay. Lepastu susah nak stretch sendiri takde orang tolong. Lepas rasa macam drama sikit lepas kaki dah kurang sakit terus blah bawak kete balik. Pfft.

Gigih kekakak lari selari-lari, Badan gemuk macam tong ni kira laju la kot camtu :3

Dannn larian berakhir. Tak cukup 10km ingat nak lari pusing-pusing habiskan lagi 120m tapi kaki dah sakit sangat 

Macamtula ceritanya. This is the first to many I guess. Lepasni kekakak kena lari sendiri-sendiri je kot jadi kena banyak baca cara how to relieve cramp on your own. Gittoh. Atau kalau ada abam hemsem tepi-tepi maybe boleh mintak tolong. MWM takde abam hemsem banyak sangat mostly lari dengan kekakak kekasih hati sendiri jadi pacer so takleh mintak tolong. Kah!

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