
June 09, 2011

Apa dalam hati?

Exam's over yaawww! How was it? I think ortho was slightly hard. But paeds was grand. I was lucky this time around both of my examiners are the helpful ones. Ya know the one that would lead you into giving the answers not the one that would just stare at you waiting for answers. Tapi with ortho I still couldn't be helped lah. They asked me like what are the forces to produce tipping and bodily movements too detailed, sorry lah Dr McD I just don't know..

As for the Medicine oral....I dunno. I'm kind of confused. It's an invited oral, so Alhamdulillah that's a good sign. That means I'm passed already but at the end she was saying something about competitive apakah I'm not quite sure. But hey, I don't care, really. Pass ka honours ka, as long as I don't fail, it's all good :)

Now that all the exams are over, it feels slightly better. My head are still messed up and I'm not totally relieved yet, but I hope it'll be over soon. I'm planning a getaway this weekend and really hope it'll take away the stress. It's been a loooooongggggggg 6 months since I started 2nd semester I've never really had an exam free moment so times like this are really precious.

Tapi dalam hati saya ada satu unexplainable sorrow feeling yang sukar diexpress. Apa itu? Apa itu yang membelenggu?
Tak tahulah. Or mungkin saya tahu sebenarnya?



Farryiedz Mustapha said...

hi...Cheers! dh complete exmination.. are u in the twinning program?

n Z r A said...

hiya! nope i'm in full program. 5 years here :)