
June 07, 2010

The shitty atmosphere

I've been home alone for about 3 weeks. In that period my mood swings really badly. At one point I'm all tough and so motivated to live my life. The next day i'll be lying low on my bed doing useless things and just refuse to get up. Come to think of it, for this past 3 weeks, I blogged the most at the unhappiest time of my life, resulting in emo-ish post, yes?

my mood swings chart. lol

At this point, I'm at my effed up mood. To make it worse, I don't have my familiar people who will usually listen to me or at least to chat with anymore. Selalu macam ni. When I'm down, no one will be here. My Skype credit will be just too low to make phone calls. I'm so demotivated I don't want to see people or to go to gym at all.

Now that I've given it a deep thought, I'm going to gather my strength now. Home is (insyaAllah) just 15 days from me. Ya Allah, give me strength to survive this. Saya pasrah and redha that whatever I'm going through now is the best for me. I just hope I can make it through without feeling down all the way.

Don't mind me. I'm gonna be okay, insyaAllah.

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