
May 16, 2009

May 15th - the new house

After the torture ended.. I took bus to town. Had lunch at Banna Thai. Signed the agreement for our new house. Beli ayam kat Spice Cork and headed to our future new (rented) house. Drew lots on the room and guess what?

"penyiksaan" saya bakal berakhirrrr.
..yipppieeeeeeeeeeeee *lompat lompat* I got the room that I wanted. The only one room with white paint and the biggest as compared to other room. boleh kahwinbakal berakhirlah sudah penyiksaan saya duduk di bilik kecil yang sempit ini *lompat lompat lagi*
I am so happy, Alhamdulillah :-) Tak sabar mahu mendeco bilikku itu >.< Pictures will be up later when we have actually moved in!

Our future house ada 4 bedrooms. All 4 double bed. One living room. One bathroom. One toilet. And another living room + kitchen. Location is at the famous Summerstown area. Memang mostly Malaysian ramai duduk situ lah..mungkin boleh digelar Taman Summerstown Jaya dah..gagaga..Our landlord is a doctor, who runs Wil*ton Medi*cal Cen*tre (private practice, I guess) BESIDES OUR HOUSE. Jadi, kami berjiran dengan klinik landlord kami. He was so nice...summer rent is reduced. Sangat berbeda dengan situasi last year where we have to pay FULL SUMMER RENT yang sangat lah mahal (summer rent = pulang bercuti di Malaysia tapi masih membayar sewa rumah yang tidak didiami oleh sesiapa)

Overall, I am so tired today. Kepala berdenyut-denyut maksima. Penat weh penat. Histo dan biochem hampeh tak baca apa lagi. Tapi esoklah start study. Sudah mahu pingsan lah iniii..


MOLY said...

wah .. sukanya dia
bilik besar deco best best tau
nanti kasi upload gambar kat sini
mau lihat


n Z r A said...

hihihihih..ok2..ala segan plak blagak lelebih. tak besar mana pun...kira standard bilik biasa je..hehhee..