
February 01, 2009


The blog has gone through some ammendments to make it convenient for me and hopefully you. I'm still contemplating whether to make it into 3 columns or just to remain as what it is. Urmm...and I am yet to find background that suits my appetite....

I hope I am good in picture editing. Sadly I don't :( So I might just wait until I found something that really suits me..For the time being, let's just be satisfied for what I have :)


B..alang said...

ingat kan company jer ade restructuring zaman gawat ... blog pun ... hehehe.. selamat study ... kirim salam tuk org kat sana..
ada snow tak ? mase sy dulu .. ni lah masa snow baru nak turun ... tetiba rindu lak masa student dulu ....wah..

n Z r A said...

huhu sapa yg tak terasa penangan gawat! blog pun kena tau..
b..alang ni terkenang nostalgia lama plak! kat cork ni memang dah berapa puluh tahun tak snow, kempunan kami nak snow :( tak cam di scotland..huhu...

A.R.E.L.E.E.Z.A.F.F.E.N.D.Y said...

doesn't matter la.. yg lame pon ok ape?! plus, 'don't judge a book by its cover' maa.. ;)