At first I thought of going Low Yatt (the nite before I made this plan with Fuzah) BUT because dah terlambat kuar ingat nak gi swimming je kat Putri Court umah makcik Zack. Half way thru Zack texted me saying she went out with her mommy. Baru tersedar dia sibuk abang mahu kahwin so finally we went according to the initial plan - Low Yatt....
First time I drove & parked my car there. Huh...sayalah anak KL yang tak tahu jalan KL, sekian harap maklum. Setakat jalan dari skolah nak gi JJ Maluri pastu nak gi Kota Raya sesikit tau ah sebab selalu naik taxy. So adelah tawaf area Jalan BB, Jalan Hang Tuah dan Jalan whatnots selama beberapa pusingan before I finally parked at the open parking besides Lowyat tu..
Reasons? => Sinchan coz dah terputus bekalan SinChan selama 8 bulan, MacBabe=> because it's simple irresistable...sangat cunnnssssssss, new mouse because I needed one tapi belum tergerak nak beli Mac's wireless mouse, SD Card because susah selama ni travel2 kena tumpang2 laptop orang nak upload pictures jeans and shoes sbb nak pakai lah kan..
But I simply love my MacBabe's new look. Chic and elegant. ahahahhaah..
Esok, MESTI either swimming or gi gym. MESTI!!!!!!!
cantikkkkkkkkkkk pink tuh!!!
sgt sgt cute!
ur MacBabe looks hott!!
ziana : heee...cantekk kann..tq tq
kak hana : ape lagi..go and get one la :)
me three suke your mcbabe itu.. so lawa..ishh nie buat rase nak beli mcbabe pastu beli cover yg cun2.. my dell is so not worth it to decorate pun
woww !! cun sehh .. kaler pink .. gi bubuh yang atas dia tuh eh ?? kalau x silap skang benda tuh ada ..
kalo ye dikau buat, buat kat mana .. suwit gilerrrrrrr
harus mouse pun kaler pink ek !!
zairin : ape lagi org us kalau takde Mac jgn duduk us la wehhh
lily : saya buat di lowyattt..hehehe..harus la kan smua pun nak sepadann
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