Waa...banyaknye food...
Ehhh....ade BBQ lahhh....nampak cam mahal je BBQ set tu..eh..laaa...60 euro je..eh apee?? dah hilang???
Woww....the girls are so spring-(ish?)
As we planned, our post exam BBQ was held yesterday, right after the Meds students are done with their final finals. But lady luck wasn't by our side yesterday coz the pouring didn't even showed a sign of stopping that we had to do our BBQ under a small tunnel in between the apartments. Since our Ketua Batch Mr Usop & Bazli are off to France early in Thursday, we had to carry on with the plan despite the rain...
Us, after several plates of fried rice and several pieces of chicken..
Looking all happy after finals
This one looks like masyarakat majmuk..opssss..
Onto photography session..
Caption #4 : All of us.. =)
This is gonna be our last get-together in Castlewhite. Our first year is approaching the end and I must admit that time flies pretty fast. Baru rasa macam baru pijak Cork. Baru je rasa perasaan sampai overseas. Kenangan waktu mula sampai. Hampir seminggu makan makanan yang senior bekalkan. First time masak sendiri...Habis ayam, makan nasi goreng dengan telur. First time buat buka puasa ramai2. Masak nasi ayam...Jualan bazar Ramadhan..Roti Castlewhite.First time keluar makan Indian Moon bukak puasa ramai2..Masak ayam masak merah sambil nangis2 malam raya..Raya dalam dewan..Buat open house raya.Kenangan ICW....and macam-macam lagilah!
We came to Cork without knowing each other well enough, but we managed to build up a strong bond between all of us. May this friendship lasts forever and may all of us achieve success. I sayang them as my brothers and sisters for without them life in here would be very hard and dull. May Allah bless our friendship.
Come next year, will we be able to have a good makan-makan like this?
2,3,4 years from now, will we be able to sit together and have fun like this?
chelsea menang kn? 6-5, tul x? akak xtgk coz 'not my type'.. hiks2.. but, knowin' da result from my hubby. he's into chelsea. kalah la pulok! ahaks..
melantak x hengat !!
syiok nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
comelnyeeee nad ngan wanyyy posinggg..hehehe...cuteee!!!
alahaii kak aina..malu la i cmni..kuikui..wakakakaka..rs cm nak sepak ak nad??
areleez : heheheh tu lah mlm tu chelsea fans berkabung..
lily : haruslah melaaaanntaaaakkkkk..kate pon dah abes exammm
witty angel : hehehe...malu laa kak aina~ awhhh thankss~~
wany : ahahahhaha mmg rase nak sepak laju2!
tak poronah di buek dek orang BBQ dalam tunnel... nzra memang cemerlang bab2 nih... hehehe... happy holidays you all!
wahhh...banyak nye makanan best2..uwaaa..apesal semua blog org tunjuk makanan nih??dah la di kala lapar melampau nih..;p
mad redo1 : hehehe..den memang suko wat benda benda baru nehhh....barulah jadi perintiss
peej : hahaha..mari2 jemput2 makan!!
salam nadz,
faimee here. suddenly felt a bit narcissictic and went googling my name. this came out and i felt so nostalgic, haha. 4th year now eh, it wasn't too long ago when the lee river ran outside my window. everyone's spread out now and life goes on. it was a good time. ok, bye nadz.
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