
May 24, 2008


Today we moved our things to our new house...

Boxes boxes boxes
Placed into one of the room since 2 of the 6 rooms are still occupied
The stairs. Turn left to my room, turn right to Nida & Mihah's room, Turn a bit to left n go straight to Wany's room and go further straight up to Adilah + Kak D & Aliyah's room
Sneak peak of the front door

We drew lots to see who gets which room and by luck, I got room #1. Slightly creepy and busuk coz the future tenant is still renting and the room look oh so messy. Busuk gileerrr!!!! But luckily he didn't lock up the room so I sneaked into the room. Just wanted to get an idea on how my room look like so I can think of my room's interior design.

My room's design was the weirdest I must say. Masuk2 ade seketul jamban menanti dibelakang pintu (I swear I won't be using that bowl for any big business. Sure nanti bau melarat ke bilik). My room is ensuite, yes but the shower was literally in my room, and it's not really separated with my bedroom. Err..paham ke..senang cite blakang katil ada dinding sket...pastu ehhhhhh tetibe ade shower. And it's slightly dark coz the curtain is dark green. But anyhoo I love my room. The space is, enough I must say. Tak kisah lah camne rupe pon as long as I own that room and no one can ever trespass my room suka-suki (kerana dikhuari pemilik sedang mandi dan opppss...bilik itu showernya tiada pemisah dari alam luar)

p/s : kakiku kaku kok kaku kaku kekkkkk...angkat kotak..sakittttt...


peej said...

once u dah kemas2..ok la tuh..
tp dpd yg dibayangkan..mcm not bad la ur room tuh..kalau dapat mcm suke ;p..
cuma part..tetibe jamban ade belakang pintu tibe2..mmg pelik la..

tp mmg..pindah rumah sanagt2 la memenatkan..eventho hanya barang utk satu bilik kecik..sigh..

n Z r A said...

tu la pasal peej...mamat duk skang ni cam gay dier gay jantan laa kalau gay perempuan sure pengemas. jamban blakang pintu mmg serius takbleh bla la...rase nak kopakkan je kuar jamban tu tawwwwwww

A.R.E.L.E.E.Z.A.F.F.E.N.D.Y said...

wah3..! jage2! nnti akak nk pasang cctv la.. la la la..

MOLY said...

banyak gila barangggg ...
tapi tang bilik tuh ok la .. janji leh tido sume kan
