
December 10, 2007

Hari Yang Cerah Untuk Jiwa Yang Sepi

Sun during winter?
Betul ke tu??
Ah...How I miss the feel..the heat...

When u're just too lazy to hit the kitchen here's some quick recipe :

  1. Fish Finger
  2. Sayur :
  • Carrot
  • Broccoli
  • Baby Potatoes
  • Kiub Ikan Bilis Knorr
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of perencah sup sayur (jimat stok punye pasal)
Cara Membuat :

  1. Potong Carrot, Broccoli & Baby Potatoes ikut suke.
  2. Larutkan kiub ikan bilis + salt + perencah sup sayur with hot water
  3. Tuangkan larutan (?) tadi on the cut veggies
  4. Balut in foil
  5. Bakar (?) bahan-bahan diatas bersama fish finger tadi slama 10-15 mins didalam oven

Sedap dimakan dgn : Sos Lingham! Yeah..sos lingham rules!!

P/S : but u still need to hit the kitchen, unless u have an oven in ur room.

Slamat Mencuba!


Anonymous said...

hmm...tiba2 selera plak tengok makanan tu...hehe :)

n Z r A said...

ehehe..selera ke?? itu khas utk org2 tak rajen je tau!!

mad redo1 said...

dia tengah2 tak rajen ni yang jadi makanan tu sedaappp sangat...

n Z r A said...

saya sokong statement encik mad redo1! apatah lagi perut berkeroncong seperti lagu keroncong utk ana.

zliah said...

nadz,nak sikit~

n Z r A said...

haha ameklah ida~~