
July 04, 2007

Pessismism or just plain realism?

  • Hazel
  • Posted 28/06/2007 23:04
  • shit. i just got to know that in kmb, sket gle lulus biz..kalau camtu, kms lagi la teruk. waaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a testi. I accidentally bumped into it when I was frienstalking. Shit. What was that? I mean, getting 5 is not our main concern now but getting a pass?!?@?#@?&*(*%#$!*(!~@#$%^#$%

Pass is like...0-29 marks and we are not even that good to get above 30 marks??????????
2 years of *hard study* learning Business&Management. Brain cracked. Studying the case study like hell and this is what we got?!???!?!!?

Okay saye sangat emo. I know it's a rumours. But rumours don't come just like that. Tanpa pokok angin tak bergoyang. Okay??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!

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