
June 10, 2007

Nightmare.... very disturbing

I'd rather be dreaming of scary ghosts or creepy zombie than dreaming of $#@!#%.

Tomorrow is the day. gonna experiment whether I could juggle my job and my "physical activities." Anyway cycling during weekdays is surely impossible. My working hours is just the same as Bukit Cerakah's operating hours. Tsk tsk tsk...

Okay here's the plan
  • wake up at 6am - shower!
  • subuh prayer - pack up my things!
  • 6.45am - breakfast
  • 7am depart from home!
  • 7.30am EXPECTED to arrive at tasik
  • Waiting for Wani's arrival
  • 8.25am *berusaha* to finish the activity - cooling down
  • 8.30am - *berusaha* siap2
  • 8.50am-off to my office
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....boleh ke? ke? ke?

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