OI DAH LAH PATHOLOGY LECTURES HAREM TAK PAHAM WEH. Kelas plak dengan bdak medic yang menakutkan menjawab soalan dgn penyakit2 yang tidak pernah didengari. Eh bkan sebab kami tak pandai tapi sebab kami tak belajar. eceh tanak ngaku bodoh gak tuh. hahah..no seriously, I don't understand why are they putting us in the same lecture as medic students who are well, more familiar with the diseases than we are. Terpinga-pinga lah kami mendengar satu-satu term keluar. Pastu kena plak kalau dengan lecturer yang believes that dentists' brain worth lesser than their hands. No fair no fair...The thing is...we dentist had to handle too much info in our head. We deal with both human being and the non-human (ie the dental materials etc) so how can you expect us to be at par with the med students? gagaga...
Ok dah luahan perasaan untuk harini..moving on...I just received my scrubs today. Senanglah kehidupan memakai scrub ini tidak perlu risau untuk membeli baju formal. Hahah..selamat =)
Jadi lepas ni kalau pergi kelas kena pergi 20 minit awal, 10 mins walking to the class and another 10 minutes to change. Aigoo...malasnye saye!
The new juniors are coming starting this Friday and I'm gonna be pretty much busier than I am now. Takpe-takpe this is one of my last tasks as AJK PPMC so I'm gonna give my best =) Lepas ni I'm gonna be very very busy with exams and labs. Before winter holiday saja saya ada LIMA, FIVE, 5 test okay! 2 for pathology EMQs, 1 written RD exams and 2 practical exams. Omo....I'm so deadd..
On the other hand when I browsed through the pictures, I'm starting to miss the family already. Damn lah baru 2 minggu kot? tsk..time, will u go faster and bring me to next summer ASAP? =(
p/s : My blog is getting so boringgggg la nowadays (not that it's fun-nier before..tapi..entahlah..)
aha, kak nad. nnti ada budak nama timah sampai. bully dia ! :)
good post, nad!
ur nasi lemak so laku. should have bought it when i came. =(
so gembira manyak junior baru.... best la diorang, group besar kat kelas.
cheer up k.. be happy dun worry...sometimes, it is how we see things differently.
chaiyok nadz, chaiyok2!!
AEC is an economic integration between 10 ASEAN countries which covers several areas including human resources development, recognition of professional qualifications, closer consultation on macroeconomic and financial policies, trade financing measures, enhanced infrastructure and communication connectivity, integrating industries across the regional, enhancing private sector involvement .
Our dentistry field will inevitably be affected by this. Consumers are not only the locals, but also Singaporeans, Malaysians, and many other patients from ASEAN country. Likewise, foreign professionals are welcomed to Indonesia simply without passing through complex bureaucracy. Competition is therefore becoming tougher.
It is very crucial for Indonesian dentists to enhance their knowledge and skills It is hoped that this program could be a way of improving knowledge as well as skills to face AEC 2015
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