
March 12, 2009

Going private temporarily

Assalamualaikum and good day to all..

The past few days (and maybe for the next two weeks) my emotional turbulence has gone from bad to worse. I will be restricting my blog access to private, limiting only those who are interested to hear me rambling, cursing and ranting endlessly about my exams and exams and exams..

The blog will be open back officially on March 27th, 12pm as soon as my Pathology exam ends =D

With that said, to those who dare or care to watch me being very vulnerable and weak, do dropby your email and I'll send out the invitations..You can either hit the comment box, chatbox or even email me at

The blog will be restricted to private access by 11pm GMT +0 tonight :)

*prepare cursing words for my next entries*

1 comment:

iKHMAR said...

terima kasih!!! ;)