I went to the shop nearby to buy some ingredients as early as 3.30pm lagik. Hahhh bersemangat bonar ehhh...
Soon after asar prayer, I went downstairs and start chopping off things and preparing the ingredients, with MacBabe by my side so I could browse the recipe. Hihihihihi...I am very particular if I were to try new recipe coz am afraid that it'll turn out bad. Plus I am fasting so takleh la nak merasa2 kan..
p/s : browse the upcoming pictures on your own risk. kalau terliur jangan mara (matilaaa perasan makanan sendiri menggiurkan)
without flash. tangan dah gegar2 sebab lapar..huu~
And the second menu isssssssssss.............................
Buttered prawn y'all!!!!
Sekarang tak rasa lagi sebab I'm killing time by updating the blog. Just to distract me from the hunger. hhuhuuhuhu..hope it'll turn out okay okay and edible. Kalau tak kesianlah ibu and kekanda gwe makan tak sodapppp~~~
for the recipes.
Oklah nak berbuka! Bye! Selamat berbuka!! Will update later on the taste~
The claypot-taklah-claypot-sangat tofu turned out quite okay. Except the fact the it tasted quite kicap-ish. But overall it's good. Me loike.
BUUUUTTTTT The buttered prawn almost fail. Kalau pass pun cukup makan je lah. Insufficient salt and sugar. Huhuuhuhuhu...biasa lah orang puasa mane bleh rase. And it takes you to actually suck in the prawn to taste the buttered-prawn-ness. Ada, ada. The taste was there, but it's not enough. Mak as usual been supportive eventho I know it doesn't really taste good >.< Anyway don't know when will I re-do this. Most prolly taknak masak dah sampai bile2. tsk
Moral of the story : Don't go trying out sth you haven't cooked during fasting month.
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