Entah bagaimana hamba nak bercerita. Takut tak tersampai kisah hamba..I am really suck in communicating my ideas T_T and I don't have a strong knowledge on the history (ampunkan gue..this is plainly my fault)
Anyway I think I might just post up the pictures and briefly describe the places I went. Coz it takes more time to dig up the history and I am so sorry that I couldn't space out some time to do so..later days, maybe?
Do you know that once upon a time, Islam has conquered 2/3 of the world population? And Andalucia was another lesson yet to be learned by Muslim, on how greediness, materialistic, hasad dengki, stupidity and disunity could disrupt the empire who has been ruling for nearly 8 centuries.
Kerana Islam pernah bertapak megah di Andalusia, tinggalan-tinggalan masjid rata-ratanya ditukar menjadi gereja. Sedih juga melihat senibina Islam dicampuradukkan dan ditokoktambah dgn patung-patung..erm..patung-patunglah kire-kirenye..
Gambar diatas menunjukkan betapa lemahnye kita, tunduk kepada selain daripada Yang Esa. This picture was said to portrait the time when the Sultan gave the key of the palace to the Christian ruler. Mungkin imej inilah yg terlekat kuat di minda manusia-manusia tentang org Islam? Jadi apa tugas KITA? Terus-terusan menguatkan idea mereka mengenai KITA atau bangkit untuk menegakkan janji kemenangan yg dijanjikan Allah?
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