Day 1
Bayu PANTAI disirami CAHAYA BULAN...
Bayu PANTAI disirami CAHAYA BULAN...
Landed at Bumi Kelantan at approx 2.45 pm. Ila, Nab and Aimi picked me up. Went to Ila's house and decided to sneak out to Pantai Cahaya Bulan that evening. *pssttt..mak Ila tatau ni*
Day 2
Jauh langkah meRANTAU PANJANG....
Jauh langkah meRANTAU PANJANG....
So we moved on with the planned activities - Rantau Panjang. I went to Kelantan a few times I knew what to expect in RP. I've even prepared to spend as much as I could..
oh..angin kus kus tiba-tiba melanda. I didn't make any remarkable purchase pun, unlike Nabila (the one who claimed - Saye tak suke shopping lame2) who spent here and there, buying any things that caught her eyes. Gembira mokcik-mokcik yg menjual itu. Me? I just spent 12.50 buying cute keychains for souvenir (ini je mampu saye beli utk rakan2.. T_T)
A few hours later the boys came and we had lunch at Noor Restaurant (if i'm not mistaken). Thai's Seafood dishes of course! Wajibla kan kalau datang sini..The tomyam was not bad. The ikan goreng 3 rasa (yang confuse. 3 rasa apa pun ktorg tatau) was delicious...and the wrapped-egg (telur bungkus) - haha..all-time favorite. Do I need to elaborate more??
After lunch we went to Ila granny's house (somewhere at RP too). When the boys went to the masjid for Zohor, we, on the other hand napped at the house (after the prayer la, of course) It was hot, the sun was shining brightly and yet we could comfortably doze-off until the boys teased us. Ngehngeh..*malu jap*
I guess we picked up a new bad habit there. Asal ade mase senggang je...tido! skit-skit...TIDO! Hehehe..(or was it an all-time favourite hobby??)
Woke up. Ate some rambutans and durians..Made our way to Waqi's house and went back to Kota Bharu since Aimi needed to buy her bus tix to Sg Petani.
While Ila and Aimi went to the bus station, me and Nabila went to the kedai tudung nearby and bought selendangs! And soon after that we made our way to Kelantan Silk Store, and again, Miss-saye-tak-suke-shopping with her impulse-purchase-reaction finally found her baju raye's fabric and bought them without hesitation!
And we went back home. Had our usual tido petang...Woke up at 7-8...mandi2. Had dinner - with the irresistible budu+tempoyak. Err...I think I got addicted with Ila's mom budu+tempoyak+ulam. Delicious-ness to the max!!!!
Day 3
Bila kata di KOTA janji diperBHARUi
Bila kata di KOTA janji diperBHARUi
Here's the much awaited day. THE BIG SPENDER DAY. After breakfast, off we went to KB for our mission it's possible! We've been preparing the right words to be uttered to the makciks => "mokcik- hok ni bape se" "tokleh kure ko??" "seriyaaa je lagi...buleh ahhhh"
Went to MPKB. The heaven of tudungs and kains...Firstly we had the crave-d nasi dagang (mengidam giler!!) for the sake of merasa segala makanan klantan yg enak! Then we started our mission! And people, next time u go there, please go and find stall no.150!! (promote skett) The makcik there was super nice and pleasant- unlike certain makciks who were quite snobbish. This makcik even sold the tudungs at lower price too! (This explains the 5 tudungs I bought at her kedai. Aimi, Ila, and Nab also bought a few tudungs there too!!)
Then called Sima. Met up at Pasar Siti Khadijah. Nab was given some kind of to-buy list by her mom so she was obliged to fulfill the 'wishlist'. Thank God Pasar Siti Khadijah offered almost everything that she needed, so we spent some time over there- buying budu and keropoks. And I was finally re-united with my keropok sira pedas!!! *happy~*
Later that day we had our lunch at Yati Ayam Percik somewhere nearby Ila's school (SK Islah ko?) Nuff said, ayam percik itu mmg heavenly delicious! Despite the hampeh-waiters-yg-malas-nak-layan-kitorang, I still enjoyed the mouthwatering ayam percik!!
And..oh tiada. We were busy belek-ing tudungs and bargaining~ =D
Went to MPKB. The heaven of tudungs and kains...Firstly we had the crave-d nasi dagang (mengidam giler!!) for the sake of merasa segala makanan klantan yg enak! Then we started our mission! And people, next time u go there, please go and find stall no.150!! (promote skett) The makcik there was super nice and pleasant- unlike certain makciks who were quite snobbish. This makcik even sold the tudungs at lower price too! (This explains the 5 tudungs I bought at her kedai. Aimi, Ila, and Nab also bought a few tudungs there too!!)
Then called Sima. Met up at Pasar Siti Khadijah. Nab was given some kind of to-buy list by her mom so she was obliged to fulfill the 'wishlist'. Thank God Pasar Siti Khadijah offered almost everything that she needed, so we spent some time over there- buying budu and keropoks. And I was finally re-united with my keropok sira pedas!!! *happy~*
Later that day we had our lunch at Yati Ayam Percik somewhere nearby Ila's school (SK Islah ko?) Nuff said, ayam percik itu mmg heavenly delicious! Despite the hampeh-waiters-yg-malas-nak-layan-kitorang, I still enjoyed the mouthwatering ayam percik!!
And..oh tiada. We were busy belek-ing tudungs and bargaining~ =D
Day 4
Jasad terdampar di TOK BALI, hati meronta di BISIKAN BAYU..
Jasad terdampar di TOK BALI, hati meronta di BISIKAN BAYU..
After a slight discussion and pungutan suara, they finally made the decision to tag my friend along with us. Siapa itu my friend? Itulah saudara Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Azmi aka Daud yang sedang menimba ilmu kepilotan di APFT skarang. So after Subuh prayer, we disciplined ourselves - not to fall asleep again. Packed up our things. Made the sandwich (separuh je. Ila's mom had prepared them for us). Helped Ila's mom with the mihun ingredients. Loaded our things...bakul, pinggan, sudu, garfu,tikar, botol air, bekas ais segala segala and off we went to Sabak to pick up Daud. Humang aihh jauh benar rupenye tmpat itu!
Half way thru, I handed over the driver's wheel to Daud. Ngehngeh..Itulah aim kita yg sebenar - seorang pak supir untuk memandu kami yang suka tidur ini (kidding Daud...) Oh ye..ya tuan-tuan...reckless driver di Shah Alam ini telah pun berjaya menguasai bumi Kelantan dgn skill memandunya yg berbahaya itu! teehehehe.. There were some nervewracking moments tho when we were a bit lost but Praise Be to Allah, it all went well when finally we saw the same, exact things that the boys in the other car told us.
After few mins of *discussion* on the best place to unload our things, we finally settled down.
Had our brekkie.....changed our attire.....
Then off we gooooo...oh walaupun matahari terik di angkasa, kami tetap bermandi manda umpama tiada apa yang perlu dirisaukan~~
Half way thru, I handed over the driver's wheel to Daud. Ngehngeh..Itulah aim kita yg sebenar - seorang pak supir untuk memandu kami yang suka tidur ini (kidding Daud...) Oh ye..ya tuan-tuan...reckless driver di Shah Alam ini telah pun berjaya menguasai bumi Kelantan dgn skill memandunya yg berbahaya itu! teehehehe.. There were some nervewracking moments tho when we were a bit lost but Praise Be to Allah, it all went well when finally we saw the same, exact things that the boys in the other car told us.
After few mins of *discussion* on the best place to unload our things, we finally settled down.
Had our brekkie.....changed our attire.....
Then off we gooooo...oh walaupun matahari terik di angkasa, kami tetap bermandi manda umpama tiada apa yang perlu dirisaukan~~
Tada~ dah siap~
Mak kami yang kerinduan bapanya. Courtesy of the boys for the carved-sand-words. Note the tergolek payung - ya..makcik itu adalah photographer kami spjg permandian kami di laut itu..
Surprised by my belated birthday celebration prepared by them. So this was really a surprise. Heck I couldn't even sense it! Yela...what do u expect..After 11 days passed by..
But I was still happy, and deeply touched actually. Thanks guys. You really made my day. Nasib muke baru mandi mmg basah so I could hide the mata bergenang seketika. The carved sand reads = HAPPY BIRTHDAY NADZ (terlupe nak amik gmbr close up ni!!!!!!) and they even bought a cake! *tsk* terharu tau saye..first time di surprise begini..
Thanx thanx thanx..sayangggg koreng korengg~
Sent off Daud to his place. Went to KB Mall to meet up Kudin. Oh..KB Mall is just like any other shopping mall in Malaysia but I guess there were excess of weird-dressed youngsters? (trying to be polite here) PEACE \(^_^)/
Met Kudin and Zarf. And also Anas and Cik Tin's bestfriend (ampunnnn saye lupe name dier!!!)
And finally made our way back home (after dissapointed at Yati ayam percik - sume frozen ayam percik pun dah basi~)
Day 5Met Kudin and Zarf. And also Anas and Cik Tin's bestfriend (ampunnnn saye lupe name dier!!!)
And finally made our way back home (after dissapointed at Yati ayam percik - sume frozen ayam percik pun dah basi~)
Perpisahan itu pasti terjadi..
We woke up at around 6-7 am. Had our Subuh prayer, shower. Said goodbye to Ila's mommy.
A lil bit drama when Nabun itu meninggalkan handphone nye di meja makan. Aihh...nasibla Yo (Ila's brother yg buat gue lemah lutut seketika) called Ila when we stopped by at a stall to buy our brekkie..
A lil bit drama when Nabun itu meninggalkan handphone nye di meja makan. Aihh...nasibla Yo (Ila's brother yg buat gue lemah lutut seketika) called Ila when we stopped by at a stall to buy our brekkie..
All in all...I'd like to express my gratification, especially to these family for the nice and warm hospitality. Thanks a lot Miss Fadhila and family..
Aunty - for your nice and warm layanan and wonderful dishes
Yo/Lee - for your room
Yo/Lee - for your room
Nur Nab
Aimi Mus
Mohd Waqi
Wan Azfar
Ahmad Kudin
Mohd Khairul Adli
Ahmad Daud
Noor Sima
Ahmad Farid
Aimi Mus
Mohd Waqi
Wan Azfar
Ahmad Kudin
Mohd Khairul Adli
Ahmad Daud
Noor Sima
Ahmad Farid
Kesimpulannya, di Kelantan :
- program diet saya musnah. Big time punye musnah. Nasik - 2-3 kali sehari..ape tuuuuu ape tuuuuuu........?!?!?!?!?!?
- duit gaji saye menurun dgn mendadak dgn cpatnya!
- tapi saya happy
- dan saya enjoy sangat!
huh..pjg btul post saye yg ke-300 nih. tahniah n terimakasih kerana membaca!
1 comment:
wahh... dah lama saya x jejak kaki ke pantai cahaya bulan... tempat matrix saya tu...
emm.. awk dah smpai tok bali yek... dah x jauh dari umah saya tu...
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