
February 16, 2007

Limau Mandarin bergolek

Makhluk-makhluk oren menggegar KMB sempena Tahun Baru Cina. Life-sized limau mandarin bergolek2 di perkarangan KMB!

Oh yea by the way, my blog has been discovered by one of my classmate, Hadzirah (the one I circled in red) She insisted to have her photo posted on my blog, so yeah, Hadz, this is for u. Truth be told, she really couldnt get that "peace" hand out from her pose(S) We even had to remind her "Haaddddzzzzzzzz....jage tangannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.." But I dont have any idea how this picture terlepas. Haih...Hadzz..hadzz..

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